Wizard and Necromancer, Enchanter and Archer, Banneret and Chevalier

Wizard and Necromancer, Enchanter and Archer, Banneret and Chevalier

Welcome we are An Army of Wizards and Necromancers, Enchanters and Archers, Banneret and Chevaliers, Aircraft Carriers and Destroyers, The Design of a Squadron and Squad, Company and Legion

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Government and Decree, Authority and Commandment

Government and Decree, Authority and Commandment

Welcome to a New Government and Decree, Welcome to the Sabbath and Divine Commandments of the Future, Holy God and Operation of The Primitive and Ancient Order and Official Command

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Goddess and Sorceress, Divine and Supreme Being

Goddess and Sorceress, Divine and Supreme Being

Welcome to a Life Created by God and Goddess of Planet and Space, Holy and Heaven, Stars and Moon Creation and Spirits and Souls of the Past and Present and Future.

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